Obituary: Shane, 5th Viscount Gough - 26 August 1941-14 April 2023
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Shane, Viscount Gough, on 14th April at his Scottish home in the Highlands. Shane had been a trustee of the Woolwich Garrison Church Trust since its inception and was our Deputy Chairman.
He was a great supporter of what we have been seeking to do at the Church, both in terms of its restoration and improvement and in relation to increasing the range of activities which we hold there. We remain grateful for the financial assistance which he provided from his Family Trust.
But we will all remember him best for his attendance at the Church; wearing his Bowler hat on Remembrance Day, helping in the kitchen when we held events, and just being himself, kind, caring and eccentric. Of course Shane had links with the area preceding his involvement with WGCT. Through his mother his was the last family to reside at Charlton House, he was responsible (together with the Bishop) for appointing the incumbent at St Luke’s and St Thomas’s.
We will all miss Shane, his was a distinctive and unique voice and I expect some of the other Trustees will accompany me to the Memorial Service which we understand will be taking place in London in the future.
Tim Barnes, Chairman, Woolwich Garrison Church Trust