Bombed during World War II, St George’s Garrison Church survives as an evocative ruin with recently conserved mosaics, and a modern canopy roof, for all to enjoy.

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Inauguration of new Mayor of Greenwich - Cllr Jit Ranabhat

Cllr Jit Ranabhat has chosen the Commonwealth & Gurkha Garden as one his Mayoral charities

Woolwich Garrison Church Trust is delighted with the inauguration of Cllr Jit Ranabhat as the new Mayor of Greenwich. The inauguration was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday 29th May. Jit is the first Nepali to be awarded this Honour and the inauguration was marked by traditional Nepali singing and a tumultuous drum display. There was a large turnout of Nepali/Gurkha supporters and it was good to see Jit’s parents and family all enjoying a splendid occasion.

Jit has been a good friend of the Garrison Church and the Commonwealth & Gurkha Garden in particular. We are delighted that he has made the Garden one of the 2 charities that he will be supporting during his year as Mayor.

Joanna Lumley was unable to attend the inauguration but sent this message: “Sadly I cannot come to the event on May 29th installing Cllr Jit Ranabhat as Mayor. What a fantastic tribute to his qualities! Please send him my very warmest congratulations, and Namaste. He will make a fine mayor and we are so thrilled and proud for him and for the wider Nepali community. If he can advance the cause of the Commonwealth & Gurkha Garden it will be a huge additional benefit.”

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St George's Garrison Church in Woolwich, with its modern canopy roof and stunning mosaics, is both an evocative ruin and a contemporary space. Designed by Thomas H Wyatt in an Italian-Romanesque style, the Church was built between 1862-63 to serve the Royal Artillery in Woolwich. Today it is run by a local group, the Woolwich Garrison Church Trust who are committed to making it available for all to visit and enjoy. Directly opposite the Barracks in Woolwich, South East London, come and enjoy its beauty and peaceful garden.

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