Council decision on mast
The planning application for a wireless mast outside St George's has been rejected.
Good news.
It was announced by Royal Borough of Greenwich on 29th April that the application for planning permission for a wireless mast outside the Garrison Church had been rejected. The application was for “Construction of a 17.5 metre high monopole supporting 6 antennas, a 300 mm transmission dish and 3 equipment cabinets. This may affect the setting of the Grade 2 listed building, St George's Chapel”.
The Trust as an organisation put in objection to this application as did some of the Trustees in a personal capacity. A representative of our Landlords, London Historic Buildings Trust also put in a well-reasoned objection. If the application had been granted the pole with its antenna and transmission disc would have loomed over the Church and detracted from its unique sense of tranquillity. It is a great relief that the threat has been removed.